Lend a Hand

I am a cofounder of the Prayer Flag Project through Children Families and Communities. For more information contact this nonprofit at www.childrenfamiliescommunities.org We are actively seeking partners in this project!

Prayer Flag Project

The Prayer Flag Project has been established to generate public awareness to support peace in all forms for children. When complete, 1000’s of children and adults will be participants in creating a prayer flag sculpture of 10,000 flags. This sculpture will be installed in public areas as a reminder to support peace every day for our children— from birth, at home, in school, out in the world, when in illness, catastrophe or health. Any revenue received will support the prayer flag project or the Karen Sjostrom Hedger Fund at Children, Families and Communities, a 501c3 nonprofit.

!0,000 Prayer Flags

This initial phase of the project creates 10,000 prayer flags for peace in the lives of children. Each flag will be dedicated to children or a particular child….a wish or prayer for a child in each flag.

The second phase of this project will be to solicit artists who are willing to write grants to install the 10,000 flags in appropriate venues to be a gentle, inspiring and beautiful reminder of all those prayers and wishes. We hope this will be a traveling venue.

We are currently in the first stage of creating prayer flags. Come join us!

I have a special interest in supporting those who are creating their lives in recovery. Self Discovery Through Recovery is offered through  www.childrenfamiliescommunities.org

Please contact this nonprofit for more information.

This unique and impactful service is offered to individuals involved in recovery from addictions and alcohol abuse. This approach supports traditional interventions of inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation and 12-step programming.

Get involved!

Sara W PierceGet involved! There are so many ways to contribute to these projects. The form below will send me an email–if you’re more of a phone person, you can also call me at (207) 266-9162. Hope to hear from you soon.


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